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How to Make Wooden Shelf Brackets – 4 Easy Ways

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If you’re looking to learn how to make wooden shelf brackets, this article will answer your questions. I will share four different methods of making shelf brackets from wood. Even if you’re new to woodworking, you can easily make them. Now, without wasting much time, let’s do this!

How to Make Shelf Brackets From Wood – A Complete Guide

How to make wooden shelf brackets – My Youtube Video!

As you know, I have shared four different ways to make shelf brackets out of wood. The first method only uses a single piece of wood and is easy to make, so let’s start with this one.

1: How to Make a Wooden Bracket With a Single Piece of Wood

This bracket can be made from a single piece of wood. It’s ideal for a lightweight shelf.

Cut a Square Diagonally

First, cut a square piece from a plank so you can make two brackets from it.

cut a square piece from a plank

The bracket size depends on the width of your shelf; it must be smaller than the shelf. Otherwise, it will jut out, which doesn’t look appealing.

mark the depth for the pilot

Make Countersink Holes

Now, you have to mark the depth for the pilot and countersink holes.

make countersink holes

First, start with the thick drill bit to make countersink holes for the screws. Place it perpendicular to the wood and slightly align it with your hole direction. Don’t drill all the way.

put the smaller drill bit for the pilot hole

Sand and Apply Finish

Now, put the smaller drill bit for the pilot hole and drill the remaining hole through.

how to make shelf brackets from wood

Finally, sand the bracket and apply your desired finish or paint. I am using polyurethane for a shiny finish; it also exhibits the wood grain, which looks captivating.

Now, come to the second method. This bracket is made with a butt joint which is one of the most basic wood joinery methods.

2. How to Make a Shelf Bracket Out of Wood With Butt Joint

For this bracket, you’ll need three wood pieces. Two of them will be connected at the right angle, and the third one will be used for support.

Cut the Arm Pieces

three wood pieces

I started cutting scrap wood at a width of 1.5 inches. Then, I marked the desired length for each piece. Remember, for the butt joint, you have to keep one piece longer than the other to make joint arms equal.

The plank thickness is 1 inch, so I cut one piece 8 inches and the second one 9 inches. Now, mark the hypotenuse length by placing it on both pieces while they are arranged at the right angle. You can also use the Pythagorean theorem formula for that.

cut down on the support arm

Make Pilot Holes

I cut down on the support arm with a tenon saw from both sides at the marked angle. Now, you have to make pilot holes. So we can secure the pieces together with a screw.

attaching the piece

Glue and Screw All Pieces

Before attaching the piece, apply some wood glue to strengthen the joint. You can also use multiple screws for additional power.

attaching the piece,

Apply Finish after Sanding

Finally, sand the piece and apply your desired finish. This bracket is more secure than the previous method; you can enhance its strength even more by using thicker planks and more screws according to your project.

how to build a wood shelf bracket

Now, come to my favorite, which also looks the same as the previous one but uses a different joinery method.

3: How to Make Wooden Shelf Brackets With Rabbet and Overlap Joint

Cut the Arm Pieces

 mark the pieces for the rabbet joint

If you are looking for a way to make strong wooden shelf brackets, this method is for you. For this bracket, you must follow the same process: cut 1.5 inches of wood plank, mark the piece’s length, and cut it down.

Make Rabbet Joints

Unlike the previous one, you have to mark the pieces for the rabbet joint and cut the half-width size of the rabbet on each piece so they can overlap and make a right angle.

Now, see my stupidity; I am cutting this straight joint with a circular saw, which can be cut easily with a tenon saw. Please don’t complicate things like me.

 chisel the joint

After that, I had to chisel the joint because of the leftover burrs. Now, place the joints together to check their compatibility; if it’s good, move to the next part.

Cut Tenon and Mortise Joints

cut the mortise

Now, mark the tenon and mortise on all the pieces so they fit snugly together. I used a handsaw to cut the mortise and tenon. Moreover, to get into the tricky areas, I used a jewelry saw. After that, I chiseled the rough edges for better fitting.

testing pieces for fit

Now, I cut the tenon on the third piece by a 45-degree angle on both sides and edges. The joints aren’t very accurate since I am cutting with the hand, but I will take care of them in the sanding part.

assembling the wooden shelf bracket

Assemble all Pieces

I marked the pilot holes for the screw for extra strength, then applied glue and started joining all pieces together with the screws.

how to make shelf brackets from wood

Sanding and Finishing

It’s sanding time again. I am using 80-grit sandpaper. You can also use multiple sandpapers for a more shiny and smooth surface. Here is a trick: while sanding, apply a little glue to the open joint and keep sanding; this way, it will fill up automatically.

After that, I applied polyurethane coating with a rag to exhibit the beautiful wood grain. I know it’s not perfect, but it turned out pretty good.

4. How to Make a Wooden Bracket With Designer Support

If you want to know how to make decorative wooden shelf brackets, this method might be helpful.

This bracket is easy to screw on the wall because it has an extra lip on both sides. The strength is also relatively high.

To make this bracket, you’ll need two straight wood planks with a right-angle piece of wood.

Cut the Arm Pieces

cut down the two straight wooden planks

First, I cut down the two straight wooden planks; they are thicker than the previous brackets. One is 3 inches, and the other is about 2.5 inches thick. After that, I marked and cut the length just like the butt joint bracket. One of them is a bit larger than the other.

Cut the Design

marking the design
cutting the design

Remember the remaining half triangle that I used in the first bracket. I am cutting a simple design out of it; you can make your own and make it more appealing.

marking the size for holes

Glue and Assemble All Pieces

applying wood glue on the bracket
assembling the bracket

I placed all the pieces together to mark the pilot holes before joining them. When I finished making pilot holes, then I attached everything with some wood glue and screw.

Sanding and Apply Finish

sanding the bracket

After that, I sand down the rough edges and burning marks from the surface. After applying some wood finish, it looks like this. I know there are several imperfections, but it’s scrap wood and not that bad for demonstration.

how to make wooden shelf brackets

DIY Wooden Shelf Brackets – Conclusion

You can choose any method that suits your project and style. Undoubtedly, many other ways are available, but I have suggested the one I found most straightforward and most practical. What do you think?

Thank you so much for reading. If you have any questions, please comment below, and I will get back to you shortly. Keep crafting!